(Finally, Actually, Really Get Your Dissertation Done, 
Graduate, and Get Your Life Back!)

Do you want to Finally, Actually, Really Get Your Dissertation Done and Get Your Life Back, but you feel completely stuck in your dissertation?

Are you ready to advance your career, get a raise, start teaching, or show your loved ones that they can do whatever they work to accomplish? 

What if you could sit down at your computer and really make progress on your dissertation each day instead of subjecting yourself to hours, days, weeks, and months of frustrating futility?

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could regain the confidence you had as a student before starting your dissertation?

Hi, my name is Dr. Russell Strickland, and over the past ten years I’ve been paid millions of dollars to help 449 doctoral students with those same questions.  

Just imagine if you had the ability to Fast-Track Your Dissertation, what would you do? How would that instantly change your life — not just at school, but at home, with your family, with your friends, and at work?

Unfortunately, Fast-Tracking Your Dissertation isn't as easy as just flipping 12 months on the calendar and circling a date for your graduation. 

Most students end up spending more money, more time, and more effort; ramping up their stress to the boiling point; and ultimately burning out emotionally, financially, or both. I know that you’re dedicated and I certainly don't question your resolve. But while you might try to working harder, that's kind of like hitting the gas when your car is stuck in the mud… You might put on a spectacular show, spraying mud everywhere, but you’re still not going anywhere. Do you know that feeling? 

Then you get to the point where you start avoiding your dissertation entirely. You feel the dread welling up in your throat whenever you even think of sitting down at your computer to work on your dissertation. With these feelings of frustration and overwhelm you can quickly get bogged down. This is exactly what leads half of all doctoral students to drop-out, becoming terminal ABDs... 

Talk about "Dissertation Overload"... 

If you've ever felt that frustration with Your Dissertation, then I can relate, perfectly. 

Just like you, I struggled with my own dissertation - until I stumbled upon a secret strategy. It was really just as simple as changing the way that I thought about my dissertation. This paradigm shift enabled me to give myself permission to succeed. I know that sounds weird, but it worked for me.

Later, when I started teaching doctoral students, I noticed that many of them were having the same problem succeeding with their dissertations like they had succeeded throughout their academic careers to that point. I started sharing this one trick with students in the dissertation classes I was teaching, and they found that everything just got much easier! Kind of like flipping a light switch in their brain! 

As I taught this strategy to more and more of my students I started to wonder whether other doctoral students were looking for help like this outside of their schools. So I hung out my virtual shingle online to see… That was 10 years ago, this week. Since then 449 students have invested millions of dollars in me and my approach, to help them get their dissertations done.

But recently I received and email from a student named, Don. Don was clearly frustrated. His email read simply, “If only I thought you could really help me.” I just felt terrible when I read Don’s email. I’ve been able to help so many students fast-track their dissertations that I knew there was a really good chance that I could help Don, too. But he just wasn’t sure.

And then I thought, if Don actually took the time to write me about his concerns, how many other students are just as frustrated but did not speak up. I thought that I have to actually show people how much I can help, without them needing to trust me first.

So I came up with a challenge... The Fast-Track Your Dissertation Challenge...the SAME challenge that I'm going to present to you right now. 

Beginning this Wednesday, April 26th, National Dissertation Day, we'll meet briefly at noon Eastern, 9a Pacific, each day for three days. Over these three days you'll discover how each of my Fast-Track Your Dissertation Private Coaching clients transformed his dissertation from a frustrating mess to a sure-fire success! 

And if you're skeptical . . . then don't worry. 

By keeping the fee for this challenge all the way down to the low, low price of... FREE, you risk nothing! All I ask for is your commitment to try something new. Well, new to you, but proven again and again over the years in hundreds of students' dissertation journeys.  

I call this three-day event, "The Fast-Track Your Dissertation Challenge."

I spoken with over a thousand doctoral students one-on-one, and so far... and each and every one has experienced a sense of excitement and renewed vigor with respect to their dissertation as a result of my system. So, I've set up this special online event this week for YOU... 

If you attend The Fast-Track Your Dissertation Challenge each day and commit to the approach to your dissertation I will be sharing with you... you’ll start to feel like the awesome student that we both know you are, again...

Here's what I want to do for you: I'm so sure this will completely change your life that I'm going to let you attend the entire challenge for FREE. 

Then, at the end, you get to be the judge. Either I live up to my word or I don't. 

If I do deliver what I promise and you love the system, I'll show you how you can press the Easy Button for your dissertation and work with us to Get Your Dissertation Done faster than you ever thought possible.

If I don't deliver, or you don't think the system is right for you, just let me know why so that I can continue to improve for future doctoral students. I truly feel that part of the meaning of life is challenging yourself to get better every day, so I really want you to share whatever concerns I failed to address. I'll value your feedback, and we can part as friends.

Does that sound fair?

It's kind of like going to a restaurant and only paying if you love the food. 

Or going to a movie, and if you hate it... then your ticket is FREE...

So, now it's your turn to decide.

Say yes, and let me prove that, in over the course of three short sessions, I can help you learn more useful strategies, tips, tactics, and techniques about Fast-Tracking Your Dissertation than you have since you started your doctoral program!

You've got nothing to lose by giving this a try.

If there's even a chance that this could completely change dissertation, your life, and your family’s lives... isn't it worth checking it out for free?

Just click the button below, and reserve your spot for this life-changing challenge. I promise it will be worth it


(Finally, Actually, Really Get Your Dissertation Done, 
Graduate, and Get Your Life Back!)

Do you want to Finally, Actually, Really Get Your Dissertation Done and Get Your Life Back, but you feel completely stuck in your dissertation?

Are you ready to advance your career, get a raise, start teaching, or show your loved ones that they can do whatever they work to accomplish? 

What if you could sit down at your computer and really make progress on your dissertation each day instead of subjecting yourself to hours, days, weeks, and months of frustrating futility?

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could regain the confidence you had as a student before starting your dissertation?

Hi, my name is Dr. Russell Strickland, and over the past ten years I’ve been paid millions of dollars to help 449 doctoral students with those same questions.  

Just imagine if you had the ability to Fast-Track Your Dissertation, what would you do? How would that instantly change your life — not just at school, but at home, with your family, with your friends, and at work?

Unfortunately, Fast-Tracking Your Dissertation isn't as easy as just flipping 12 months on the calendar and circling a date for your graduation. 

Most students end up spending more money, more time, and more effort; ramping up their stress to the boiling point; and ultimately burning out emotionally, financially, or both. I know that you’re dedicated and I certainly don't question your resolve. But while you might try to working harder, that's kind of like hitting the gas when your car is stuck in the mud… You might put on a spectacular show, spraying mud everywhere, but you’re still not going anywhere. Do you know that feeling? 

Then you get to the point where you start avoiding your dissertation entirely. You feel the dread welling up in your throat whenever you even think of sitting down at your computer to work on your dissertation. With these feelings of frustration and overwhelm you can quickly get bogged down. This is exactly what leads half of all doctoral students to drop-out, becoming terminal ABDs... 

Talk about "Dissertation Overload"... 

If you've ever felt that frustration with Your Dissertation, then I can relate, perfectly. 

Just like you, I struggled with my own dissertation - until I stumbled upon a secret strategy. It was really just as simple as changing the way that I thought about my dissertation. This paradigm shift enabled me to give myself permission to succeed. I know that sounds weird, but it worked for me.

Later, when I started teaching doctoral students, I noticed that many of them were having the same problem succeeding with their dissertations like they had succeeded throughout their academic careers to that point. I started sharing this one trick with students in the dissertation classes I was teaching, and they found that everything just got much easier! Kind of like flipping a light switch in their brain! 

As I taught this strategy to more and more of my students I started to wonder whether other doctoral students were looking for help like this outside of their schools. So I hung out my virtual shingle online to see… That was 10 years ago, this week. Since then 449 students have invested millions of dollars in me and my approach, to help them get their dissertations done.

But recently I received and email from a student named, Don. Don was clearly frustrated. His email read simply, “If only I thought you could really help me.” I just felt terrible when I read Don’s email. I’ve been able to help so many students fast-track their dissertations that I knew there was a really good chance that I could help Don, too. But he just wasn’t sure.

And then I thought, if Don actually took the time to write me about his concerns, how many other students are just as frustrated but did not speak up. I thought that I have to actually show people how much I can help, without them needing to trust me first.

So I came up with a challenge... The Fast-Track Your Dissertation Challenge...the SAME challenge that I'm going to present to you right now. 

Beginning this Wednesday, April 26th, National Dissertation Day, we'll meet briefly at noon Eastern, 9a Pacific, each day for three days. Over these three days you'll discover how each of my Fast-Track Your Dissertation Private Coaching clients transformed his dissertation from a frustrating mess to a sure-fire success! 

And if you're skeptical . . . then don't worry. 

By keeping the fee for this challenge all the way down to the low, low price of... FREE, you risk nothing! All I ask for is your commitment to try something new. Well, new to you, but proven again and again over the years in hundreds of students' dissertation journeys.  

I call this three-day event, "The Fast-Track Your Dissertation Challenge."

I spoken with over a thousand doctoral students one-on-one, and so far... and each and every one has experienced a sense of excitement and renewed vigor with respect to their dissertation as a result of my system. So, I've set up this special online event this week for YOU... 

If you attend The Fast-Track Your Dissertation Challenge each day and commit to the approach to your dissertation I will be sharing with you... you’ll start to feel like the awesome student that we both know you are, again...

Here's what I want to do for you: I'm so sure this will completely change your life that I'm going to let you attend the entire challenge for FREE. 

Then, at the end, you get to be the judge. Either I live up to my word or I don't. 

If I do deliver what I promise and you love the system, I'll show you how you can press the Easy Button for your dissertation and work with us to Get Your Dissertation Done faster than you ever thought possible.

If I don't deliver, or you don't think the system is right for you, just let me know why so that I can continue to improve for future doctoral students. I truly feel that part of the meaning of life is challenging yourself to get better every day, so I really want you to share whatever concerns I failed to address. I'll value your feedback, and we can part as friends.

Does that sound fair?

It's kind of like going to a restaurant and only paying if you love the food. 

Or going to a movie, and if you hate it... then your ticket is FREE...

So, now it's your turn to decide.

Say yes, and let me prove that, in over the course of three short sessions, I can help you learn more useful strategies, tips, tactics, and techniques about Fast-Tracking Your Dissertation than you have since you started your doctoral program!

You've got nothing to lose by giving this a try.

If there's even a chance that this could completely change dissertation, your life, and your family’s lives... isn't it worth checking it out for free?

Just click the button below, and reserve your spot for this life-changing challenge. I promise it will be worth it
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