Join Us April 26th!

On April 26th, we will celebrate the efforts of some of our most accomplished students. Doctoral students become our teachers, our counselors, our consultants, our leaders, … if they graduate.

Unfortunately, only 50% of doctoral students ever earn their doctoral degrees.


Why would so many of our promising students get lost on the way to such a great accomplishment?

And what do those who are successful have to overcome to get there?

On April 26th, we will celebrate those who have been successful & what they have overcome. We will shine a spotlight on those doctoral students who are struggling & how they got where they are. And, most importantly… we will discuss how doctoral students everywhere can get out from under these problems.

Perhaps you find yourself are struggling with:
  •  The feeling of being lost and abandoned by an educational system you’ve dedicated so much of your life to…
  •  The wavering indecision to which otherwise decisive, productive professionals are reduced… 
  •  The loss of confidence suffered by many of our best students… 
  •  The stress and confusion… 
  •  The “D” in ABD. 

You are not alone.  On April 26th, … 

We will share our stories with each other, with our friends, with our families, with our communities.

We will stand together so that each of us knows we are not alone. 

We will renew our motivation to complete the dissertation project and graduate. 

FutureDocs Unite!
Take The Pledge
On National Dissertation Day, Thursday, April 26th, take the pledge to finally get your dissertation done! 

One of the best ways to achieve an objective is not only to set a goal, but to make that goal public! 

For National Dissertation Day, we are launching our “So I Can” campaign.
Sign up to download a special placard.
We’ll email you instructions on how you can share your  own motivations for getting your dissertation done  with your friends, family, colleagues, and our online community.
Our goal to have a thousand doctoral students share their hopes and dreams for their lives as doctors. 

Click the Button Below to Start
Dr. Russell Strickland
Founder & CEO, Dissertation Done


Please join us on April 26th to celebrate. Our partner, @DissertationDone will be hosting a special, free, three-day challenge, titled "Fast-Tracking Your Dissertation with the Dissertation Triangle."

Join Dr. Russell Strickland at noon ET / 9a PT to discover how to overcome your #1 Dissertation Challenge! This is a great opportunity to learn from hundreds of combined years of experience, boots-on-the-ground research, and real-world support of thousands doctoral students.

Click here to sign-up with Dr. Strickland directly.


The first doctoral degree was awarded in Paris in the mid-12th century. The doctorate of philosophy was conceived in Germany some 500 years later and is the direct precursor to the modern Ph.D.
Today, there are multiple research-based doctoral degrees awarded in the U.S. Many of those degrees are specific to a discipline of study, for example the D.B.A (business), Ed.D. (education), D.N.P. (nursing), and Psy.D. (psychology) are all quite popular among professionals in industry, business, and private practice.
What do all of these degree programs all have in common?

The doctoral dissertation, of course!

Born of the master-apprentice relationship of the medieval trade guilds, the dissertation is the masterpiece of the doctoral process. In order to graduate every doctoral student has to complete an independent research project and write a dissertation…a book-length paper detailing every aspect of the project.
The Problem
Just Flip a Coin
Each year in the U.S., over 50,000 people earn their doctoral degrees, successfully completing the grueling dissertation process. 

However, only about 50% of those who enroll in doctoral programs ever graduate. That leaves another 50,000 students each year who withdraw from their doctoral programs (or are compelled to do so) without finishing their dissertations.

How can your odds of graduating possibly be the same as the odds of winning a coin flip?
Huge Investment
Tuition for most doctoral programs across the country runs around $20,000 per year and can be significantly higher.
Students spend 5-7 years pursuing their doctoral degrees, and often much more. Yes, you did the math correctly. We are talking about over $100K in tuition, alone!

And, the money spent on tuition pales in comparison to the costs associated with postponing the increased earning potential enjoyed by doctoral graduates.

I Need a Day
National Dissertation Day was created by Dr. Russell Strickland, founder of Dissertation Done, LLC, as a way to highlight the importance of adopting a professional, even mercenary, approach to completing one’s dissertation. 

With each year in the dissertation process costing students $40,000 or more in real dollars, it’s difficult to rationalize delaying graduation for 2, 3, or more years by spending any more time than is absolutely necessary to complete your dissertation.

Individuals with their doctoral degrees typically earn at least $20,000 more per year than those with their masters degree. 
Be Heard

I’m sure you’ve heard all kinds of horror stories about the dissertation, and quite possibly lived through a few yourself! But, how can you separate fact from fiction when all we really have is rumor and innuendo?

Obviously, you can’t. So, we’d like to be able to put truth to the gossip…by collecting data! 

Shocking, right? 

Please click the button below to complete an 5-question survey on your dissertation experience. Don't worry, it won't take more than 5-10 minutes, and most of the questions are multiple choice!

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